Vanport Mosaic invites you to a week of memory activism in Historic Old Town - one of Portland's oldest and most culturally significant neighborhoods. 
This area has been deeply shaped by historic racism and cultural erasure, and we're coming together to celebrate its resilience and envision its future.

events will take place AT the 220 Building (220 NW 2nd Avenue) unless otherwise noted

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Join us for a transformative week of reflection, celebration, and community building as we come together to honor the rich history and cultural legacy of Old Town.

Vanport Mosaic shines a national spotlight on Portland’s rich and complex history through COMING HOME: Memory Activism in Old Town, a week-long series of events dedicated to honoring and reconnecting communities with deep ties to Old Town. Known as one of the city's oldest and most culturally significant neighborhoods, Old Town has been profoundly shaped by historic racism and cultural erasure.


—Do you know the history of Old Town?
—Why does Old Town’s history matter?
—How can we reimagine a future for Old Town?


Exhibits  Experience “COMING HOME: a History of Old Town.”

COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITY ART PROJECT Join in and contribute to an evolving art piece throughout the event.

COMMUNITY AVENUE Explore the five spaces curated by our partners.

DISCOVERY ZONE An all-ages area for activities.

WALKING TOURS  Join historians to explore Old Town.

RoundtableS  Participate in timely discussions, including a presentation by Erica Naito-Campbell, granddaughter of Bill Naito, the Portland-born son of Japanese immigrants who became one of the city’s most significant business and civic leaders.

AND MORE! Check out our Calendar to see an updated schedule of events.


“Coming Home” is one of 14 Nationally Recognized “Cultural Week of Action” Events

Envisioned and directed by Community Weaver Chisao Hata, this series has been made possible through the generous support of Race Forward and Americans for the Arts. COMING HOME was selected as one of 14 events to be featured nationwide as part of the inaugural Cultural Week of Action on Race and Democracy, a new initiative that leverages arts, culture, and creativity to elevate dialogues and spark action.

Click here for more information about the Cultural Week of Action.